4 Online Clothes Shopping Errors and How to Avoid Them


In the U.S. alone, online clothing sales account for 46% of all apparel sales. Shopping online is easier than ever, and everyone is flocking for an online bargain. However, it is not without its pitfalls.

If you are not careful, you can end up with a wardrobe full of items not fit for purpose. Read on as we discuss how to avoid online clothes shopping errors.

Shopping by Price

You can find some amazing bargains when buying clothes online. Once in a while, you may pick up an item that is low cost and becomes a statement piece or the pride of your wardrobe. However, very often, there is a reason these bargains are so cheap.

The first is that they have not been selling well. If you are lucky, they may be to your taste, but these are generally less popular items. Another may be that it is just a low-quality item and thus has a cut price.

Not Knowing the Return Policy

When you buy from an online clothing store, you must always bear in mind the item may not be the same as it looks on the screen. This makes it vital that you know the return policy. If not, you could end up with a number of items that do not suit or fit you.

Find out if returns are free and if they need sending back within a specific time frame. Some items may be exempt from returns for hygiene reasons. Check the price for returns as well, and see if the cost is covered by the company.

Cross Reference Sizes

Although there are standardized methods of sizing clothes depending on the country you live in, they are seldom exact. In fact, a size by one brand can be vastly different proportions from one provided by the next. In some cases, if items have been made in different factories, they may even differ by label or store.

To ensure you order something that fits, measure yourself using a tape measure. Check the website for their outlines for sizes. If you are in the west ordering from Asia, be aware that their overall sizes are much smaller.

Research the Look

A few years ago, a dress became a viral sensation when no one could agree on its correct color. The reason for this was that people view images differently depending on the context they are in and their own perceptions.

To ensure you don’t make a fashion faux paus, check the item on other websites and in different pictures. Sometimes you can find these clothes on pictures of models or celebrities so you can check them in a different context. If not, you may think that couple matching pajamas set is blue and end up with a spectacular gold set you never planned for!

Online Clothes Shopping Errors

Many online clothes shopping errors can be avoided by knowing the item and retailer as well as you can. After this, ensure you know the returns policy. This will prevent you from getting stuck with items you don’t like or need.

If you enjoyed this article, we have many more to help. From fashion to beauty, we can help you look great in the coming season.

Drake Gutmann