The Basics of a Healthy Lifestyle You Need to Know!

With changes in time and busy schedules, the pattern of a balanced diet has been constantly disturbed in our day-to-day life. Even if you are cooking something healthy, such as vegetables might not always be fresh and natural. Due to increased chemical usage in the farms, the crops contain harmful elements, such as liquid gibberellic acid. These chemicals might mess up your digestion and lead to many health issues.

The key to a healthy lifestyle includes a balanced diet and maintaining personal hygiene. The need for wellness supplements is a vital step in our daily consumption. With the new emerging diseases taking the world by storm, the average immunity has been deteriorating. Post-illness effects, including frequent body aches, sleeping pattern problems, and neurological issues followed by depression and anxiety are rising.

Is Your Diet Balanced?

According to research, an average person needs approximately 2000 calories per day to maintain their weight, and the amount varies depending on age, sex, and body type. Calories are the elements that supply energy through the food we consume. Yet the source by which we consume it plays a crucial role in the overall body mechanism. Lack of proper nutrition can make the body more prone to diseases leading to low performance.

Unhealthy eating and increased consumption of empty calories facilitate obesity and eating disorders, which are the crux of an unhealthy body. Empty calories include food items, such as cakes, pizza, and packaged food; therefore, these are mainly the items containing more calories and less nutritional value.

There are several do’s and don’ts of taking a healthy diet, such as:-


  • Stay hydrated. It is advised to drink 3 to 4 liters of water everyday
  • Keep track of your portion sizes and calorie deficit
  • Regular exercise can keep you healthy. You can prefer gym or yoga
  • Cutting down refined sugar and flour may help reduce weight
  • Follow the seven essentials, such as carbs, protein, fats, fibers, vitamins, minerals, and water


  • Eating junk food
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Increased consumption of sodium
  • Skipping meals
  • Eating late at night
  • Not exercising regularly

How to Take a Balanced Diet?

Your plate should be organized portion-wise. Half of the plate should consist of green leafy vegetables, followed by whole grains covering 1/4th portion of the plate along with 1/4th section of beans, nuts, or fish as a source of protein.

Carbohydrates are vital nutrients, yet analyzing the type is essential rather than focusing on the amount. A balanced diet requires the form and the portion to be adequate. Therefore, meeting all the nutrient requirements is not easy. In order to overcome this, wellness supplements are essential yet easy to suffice your nutrition needs. There are several supplements options available in the market. You can try MD® Nutri cleanse as it contains cleansing properties and is rich in nutrients like protein and amino acids, which might be an excellent fit to boost your immune system.

What Nutrition Supplements Should You Take?

Nutrition supplements can fulfill your body requirement but certain nutrients are not easily accessible. To suffice the requirement, wellness supplements might be a suitable alternative. Below is a list of vitamins and minerals required for you body, which you can take through supplements:-

  • Vitamin B12 is well known for preventing anemia and keeping nerve and blood cells healthy
  • Folic acid is the best for pregnant women, as it protects their babies from disabilities
  • Vitamin D may help strengthen the bones and keep your muscles healthy
  • Calcium is good to maintain your bone health and make the bones stronger
  • Vitamin C and E are beneficial for skin elasticity as they repair and build cells
  • Vitamin A is required to improve vision and to boost immunity

Apart from taking vitamins and minerals, you need to make more efforts to keep yourself healthy. Personal Hygiene is one of the most important keys to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Let’s explore how Hygiene and Health are connected.

Hygiene and Health

Maintaining hygiene is a healthy habit, and Cleanliness leads to better and improved health. Practicing personal hygiene is an easy way to keep your body clean. Cleanliness is not just limited to taking care of yourself or keeping your body clean. It is a vast concept, including taking care of your surroundings.

Basic Hygiene Practices

  • Wash your hands regularly, it can protect your body from germs. Hands are easily exposed to the microbes in the surroundings
  • Taking a bath daily can help kill all the harmful bacteria and microorganisms. It may help you resist diseases, such as cold and flu
  • Intimate hygiene also needs to be a part of your basic routine, which can be maintained with a good Ph level. MD® Intimate Fresh Serum might help you balance the vaginal Ph and control odor in that area

Summing Up!

Beauty comes with cleanliness, to maintain it inside and out, you must consume a healthy diet and apply good quality skin friendly products. There are plenty of such products available in the market. You may go with wellness supplements and hygiene products depending on your requirements. MD Factor is one of the brands providing clinically tested skin and healthcare products. For more information, you can visit their website.

Clare Louise