How to Avoid the Most Common Lash Extension Mistakes at All Costs

Want to avoid the most common lash extension mistakes?

Many people try lash extensions and end up with a less than stellar experience. This can leave them feeling frustrated, confused, and angry.

The problem is that most of the information out there on how to get great lashes falls short in terms of practical advice for first-time clients.

But don’t worry. We’ve got your back.

Keep reading to find out the most common mistakes when it comes to your lash extension and how to avoid these mistakes so you can have an amazing experience when doing your own lashes at home!

1. Trying to Keep Your Real Lashes

It is a common myth that you should try to preserve the lashes that are not covered with lash extensions. You should not tear or rip them either because then you will have made it impossible for your natural lashes to grow back within the next few months, something that they usually need in order to stay strong and healthy.

That being said, if you protect your own lashes from contact with lash adhesive as much as possible, you can make sure that they do not become too damaged as a result of treatment.

2. Letting Them Grow Too Long

Once again, this is another mistake that leads people to think about growing their eyelashes back at all costs. If you wear eyelash extensions, the eyelash volume will need to be maintained regularly.

If you let them grow too long before removing the extensions and reapplying new ones, then they are more likely to break or fall out. That being said, proper care of lash extensions every 4-6 weeks is important for keeping them strong.

3. Not Being Careful About Which Products You Use on Them

It might seem like it does not matter at all whether you use any makeup or skincare products on your lashes if you have lash extensions already placed there. However, this is incorrect information that leads people to use all kinds of different products on their faces, something that can result in lash extension damage.

It is best to use only makeup products which are made for lash extensions. Those will not interfere with the adhesive and can be removed properly without damaging the lashes themselves.

4. Not Caring About Remove Them Properly

It is also very common for people to leave their lash extensions on even after they have fallen off naturally or when using a lash remover cream. If you do this, then it will damage your own real lashes because they will become too brittle as a result of being exposed to lash adhesive over extended periods of time.

When you remove any leftover adhesive following the proper procedure, you should not have any problems at all with caring about your real eyelashes.

5. Trying to Build Up Lashes at Home

This is another common mistake that can be easily avoided. People often try to apply the best eyelash extensions at home without proper training or guidance, which can lead to a number of problems. For one, you might not use the right type of adhesive or you might not place them on the lashes correctly, both of which will result in damage and loss of extensions.

Secondly, you might not know how to remove them properly, which could lead to even more damage. That is why it is always best to go to a professional for all your lash extension needs.

6. Not Getting Regular Maintenance

Just like any other beauty treatment, regular maintenance is key to keeping your lash extensions looking their best. This means coming in for fill-ins every 4-6 weeks, depending on how fast your lashes grow. If you do not get regular maintenance, then the extensions will start to look sparse and might even fall out completely.

7. Using an Old Tube of Adhesive

If you are using lash extensions, it is important to use fresh adhesive every time. An old tube of adhesive will not work as well and could cause the extensions to become loose or even fall off completely. Make sure that you always have a new tube of adhesive on hand, especially if you are running low on extensions.

8. Not Buying Enough Extensions

It is very common for people to underestimate how many extensions they will need for a full set. This can lead to running out of extensions before the end of the treatment, which will mean having to go back sooner for a refill. Buying enough extensions is key for making sure that your treatment lasts as long as possible.

9. Not Taking Proper Care of Them

Just like any other beauty product, faux lashes require proper care in order to look their best and last the longest. This means using only products which are recommended for use with lash extensions, avoiding contact with water, and coming in for regular maintenance appointments. If you do not take proper care of them, then they will start to look bad and might even fall out prematurely.

10. Not Getting Professional Treatment

Although it is possible to do your own lash extensions at home, it is always best to go to a professional for the initial treatment and for regular maintenance. This is because a professional will know how to properly place and attach the extensions, as well as how to remove them without damaging your own lashes.

They will also be able to give you advice on how to take care of them properly so that they last as long as possible.

11. Not Matching the Curl of Your Own Lashes

One of the most common mistakes when applying lash extensions is not matching the curl of your own lashes. This can lead to an unnatural look and might even make your eyes look smaller. To avoid this, make sure that you select extensions that have the same curl as your own lashes so that they blend in naturally. More Details

Want More Help With Your Lash Extension?

Applying a lash extension can be a great way to achieve longer, fuller lashes without having to use mascara every day. However, it is important to avoid the most common mistakes in order to ensure that your extensions look their best and last as long as possible. By following these tips, you can avoid any problems and enjoy your new eyelashes for weeks or even months at a time.

Looking for more information on how to apply different types of eyelash extensions correctly? Make sure to check out our other blog posts on the cosmetics industry!

Stephanie Keebler